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We Helped A Social Community App Get 85,000 Installs at €2.29 CPI!

At House of Marketers, we specialise in turning influencer marketing campaigns across TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube into major success stories. Our recent case study with Jodel App is a perfect example of successful influencer marketing, where we achieved an outstanding 85,644 installs at a cost per install (CPI) of just €2.29!

To put this into perspective, the average CPI for mobile apps across Europe can range up to €3.00 – 7.00. In fact, according to the research by Business of Apps on Cost per Install , “CPM can vary wildly from $0.78 to $7.00 depending on the platform (iOS/Android), countries and the advert format (interstitials, banners etc).” This places our campaign significantly ahead in terms of cost efficiency and overall impact.

Our campaign for Jodel not only met but far exceeded expectations and that is why we are doing a deep dive into the strategy behind the campaign leading to such remarkable results.

We will be offering insights for brands looking to harness the power of tailored social media campaigns.

Let’s go!

Source: Jodel

Overview of the Jodel Community App

Jodel is an innovative social community app that connects users through real-time, location-based conversations, allowing them to share news, ask questions, and interact with nearby community members anonymously.

This unique platform encourages spontaneous and genuine interactions, making it a vital tool for fostering local community engagement across various regions.

The Challenge

Initially, Jodel faced the challenge of scaling its presence effectively across key European markets, including Germany, France, and Sweden. The primary goals were to enhance app user retention rates and achieve a targeted CPI of between €1.79 and €2.24, within the constraints of an initial budget of €8.3K.

The strategic objective was to expand market reach while ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of user acquisition costs. Knowing the limitations of our budget and the unique niche, we had our work cut out for us, but we have a solution for all problems.

House of Marketers’ Solution

The solution for Jodel’s influencer marketing campaign on TikTok was meticulously crafted and executed across 3 months. Seeing exceptional results, the budget scaled to over €196K to maximise impact.

Here’s what we did in a nutshell:

  • Selected Advertising Channel: Chose TikTok as the primary platform due to its popularity among the target demographic of young adults in Europe, and untapped potential for the industry.
  • Meticulous Influencer Selection: Identified and engaged over 60 perfectly-matched TikTok micro-influencers across key markets like Germany, France, and Sweden. These influencers were aligned with Jodel’s community-focused brand values.
  • Utilisation of Spark Ads: Employed TikTok Spark Ads to amplify the campaign’s reach and effectiveness, integrating influencer content with Jodel’s promotional goals while maintaining content authenticity.
  • Content Strategy: Developed a tailored content strategy that involved influencers creating engaging, shareable content which highlighted how Jodel enhances community interaction and social engagement.

Now, let’s dive deeper into each strategic element:

Our first step in crafting an effective campaign for Jodel involved understanding the dynamics of the TikTok platform and identifying how it resonates with Jodel’s target demographic, primarily young adults across Europe. Recognising the potential of TikTok’s format, we focused on creating engaging, shareable content that fits naturally within users’ daily feeds.

Finding the Right Influencer Fit

Selecting the right influencers was crucial. We chose over 60 micro-influencers across Germany, France, and Sweden who not only had significant followings relevant to our target audience but whose ethos aligned closely with Jodel’s community-focused brand.

These influencers were selected for their genuine engagement with their followers, ensuring that any promotions felt authentic and trustworthy.

Tailored Content and Engagement

The content strategy was meticulously planned to resonate deeply with the typical Jodel user. Influencers used their unique styles to create personalised content that highlighted how Jodel enhances their daily social interactions and community involvement.

This approach allowed us to blend promotional messages seamlessly into content that viewers found relatable and engaging.

Utilising Spark Ads for Amplified Reach

To maximise the reach and effectiveness of our influencer content, we utilised TikTok’s Spark Ads, which allowed us to boost influencer posts directly.

This strategy not only maintained the authenticity of the original posts but also enhanced visibility, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

Storytelling with Real Impact

Storytelling was at the core of our influencer strategy. Each influencer shared their personal experiences with Jodel, focusing on real-life scenarios where the app provided a platform for local discourse and community bonding.

These stories were not just promotional but illustrated the practical value of Jodel in fostering community engagement.

Strategic Execution

The success of the campaign was not solely attributed to the influencers’ content but also to the strategic use of performance marketing techniques. By fully managing the influencer and performance marketing ads, the team ensured that each ad was optimised for maximum engagement and conversion. For a detailed breakdown of the campaign strategies, click here to read the full Jodel App case study.


The influencer marketing campaign resulted in not just meeting the targeted CPI but surpassing it. Jodel achieved a CPI of €2.29 across the campaign duration, with a total expenditure of €196,521.46, reflecting a significant scale-up from the initial budget. This strategic investment yielded substantial returns, driving 85,644 app installs.

Moreover, the campaign also potentially improved app user retention rates, a key objective for Jodel. While specific retention metrics are under review, preliminary data suggests a positive trend in user engagement and sustained app usage post-install.


The success of Jodel’s TikTok influencer campaign underscores a pivotal shift in digital marketing dynamics, proving that the right blend of creativity and technology can break through the noise of today’s digital landscape. Our strategic use of micro-influencers and Spark Ads not only met Jodel’s goals but set new records in engagement and cost-efficiency. This campaign demonstrates how deeply understanding your audience and authentically engaging them can lead to remarkable results, even in the most saturated markets.

Through this initiative, Jodel has not only expanded its reach but has also set a precedent for future campaigns, showing that thoughtful execution and genuine interactions are key to digital marketing success.

Ready to redefine the boundaries of your digital marketing strategies?

At House of Marketers, we believe in pushing the envelope with innovative approaches tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Let us help you harness the power of influencer marketing to transform your brand’s digital presence.

Contact us today to begin crafting campaigns that resonate, engage, and convert.

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